Sydney Brothels

Sydney Brothels have a unique place in Brothel history. Few places in the world have such good laws on prostitution as NSW, even if there is room for improvement.

The best Sydney brothels not only have the best Sydney escorts and Sydney working girls but also have great physical environments. The rooms at Jingle Bells are regularly redecorated, are huge fun to be in and have different atmospheres to match different moods and different experiences. If you are looking for intimate and sexy, one on one or six girls in a spa tub or a 4 person shoer then we can accommodate you.

NSW brothels are varied in quality, not only of working girls but also of the staff and management teams that run them. Jingle Bells prides itself on running a great gentleman’s club and has a decade of experience in doing so. Our management team is second to none in terms of looking after our staff, giving our customers value for money, providing a safe, clean and fun environment to work in and delivering value for money for our customers and income generating opportunity for our staff.


Sydney Brothels - Wetherill Park


Organisations such as SWOP and Scarlet Alliance are fantastic supporters of sex workers and provide excellent information and resources to the industry. We love you both. Any Sydney Brothels worth their salt are aligned to the guidelines that these organisations provide on safe sex practices, industry standards and education.

Jingle Bells Licensed Brothel fully supports their initiatives to lobby governments for sex workers rights.

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